Dividend Data Source

The setup of your Dividend Data Source is one of the key configurations for Share Trade Tracker. It is the first step as part of the Welcome guide. After selecting to 'Set Dividend Data Source' you will see the following form that will configure the data source for Australian (ASX) and Overseas (eg US) Dividends.

Australian Dividends

The options for Australian Dividends are:

  • EOD Historical - reliable data source, PAID option. This data source provides an alternative to Share Dividends via an integrated API. It requires the setup of an API Key before the data source can be used. At the time of writing this article plans from $20/month were available. Click here EOD Historical for setup details.

  • Norgate Data - this option is a paid data service that provides direct and local access to the dividend data available in your Norgate service. There is no API required, once you select this option Share Trade Tracker will detect if you have a valid Norgate Data subscription and then use that to update your dividends. Click here Norgate Data for setup details.

    • Yahoo (default) - this option is a FREE option for dividends and security information. It is sourced from the Yahoo Finance site using the historical dividends.

Other Dividends

The options for Other Dividends are:

    • Yahoo (default) - this option will not be supported past December, 2019. FREE data source not reliable following recent changes to the Yahoo Finance website.

    • EOD Historical - reliable data source, PAID option. This data source provides an alternative to Share Dividends via an integrated API. It requires the setup of an API Key before the data source can be used. At the time of writing this article plans from $20/month were available. Click here EOD Historical for setup details..

  • Norgate Data - this option is a paid data service that provides direct and local access to the dividend data available in your Norgate service. There is no API required, once you select this option Share Trade Tracker will detect if you have a valid Norgate Data subscription and then use that to update your dividends. Click here Norgate Data for setup details.

You need to make a selection for both the Australian and Other dividends for all the features of Share Trade Tracker to function. We strongly recommend for new users to leave the default setting to Yahoo for Australian and Overseas securities.

Some of my Securities are missing dividend data (#Not Found) ?

For the data sources directly integrated with Share Trade Tracker (EOD Historical) if you find that some of your securities are not returning data. We suggest that you contact those data source providers and request that they add the missing security to their database. In most cases they are able to do this with 24 hours of notification