1. Getting Started
When you start Share Trade Tracker for the first time you will experience one of the following scenarios below. The scenario will depend on your licence type and how your version of Excel is configured.
Macro's Not Enabled
On start-up if you see any of the warnings below then you will need to "Enable Macro's" or "Enable Editing" for the workbook functionality to be available. The quickest resolution to this issue is to simply click "Enable" on the warnings. If that does not resolve the issue then refer to our support article Enabling Macro's in Excel
Product Activation
On first opening of Share Trade Tracker you will be presented with a number of forms. Each of them will assist you in getting started with the workbook.
Licence Activation - before using Share Trade for the first time you must accept the End-User Software Licence Agreement. This agreement sets out the terms of the software licence. If you do not "Accept" the licence agreement the workbook will close
Activation - You will be presented with the Share Trade Tracker activation form. Simply enter the Serial Key you received as part of your registration and the email address and the product will be activated on your computer. If you don't have a Serial Key or it fails to activate the product contact the XLAutomation Support Team for assistance.
Also refer to more help on Product Activation in this guide
Welcome - To assist you further in getting started with Share Trade Tracker we have developed an introduction for new and existing users. It provides direct access to the Configuration options for Trading Activity, Setup, Transfer Data and Help Videos.
New Users - follow the steps on the left hand side of this form
Returning Users - follow the steps on the right hand side of the form