Sell Trade

When you first start using Share Trade Tracker no sell trades will exist in the Sell Trades worksheet. There are two ways to record your sell trades either through the "Sell" or "Upload Trades" option on the Share Trade Tracker menu. In this help article we will cover the "Sell" option which is used to enter sell trades one at time into the Sell Trades worksheet. For the upload of multiple sell trades refer to Upload Trades

Add Sell Trade

Click on "Sell" to display the Add Sell Trade form. Then proceed to complete the required fields on the form, when complete click on "Add Trade" and the details will be copied to the "Sell Trades" worksheet.

Fields on the Sell Trades Worksheet

The following is a listing of all fields on the Sell Trades worksheet.

Trade Date: date on which the security was traded

Security Code: security code for the trade; the exchange suffix is automatically included on "Add"

Exchange: the exchange that the security was traded on, the familiar name is shown

Company: this field is matched to the company details found on Yahoo

Portfolio: this is the portfolio selected for the trade

Instrument: this is the type of trade either a "Share" or "CFD"

Contract No/Reference: reference number, contract number for the trade

Quantity: total quantity for the trade

Sale Price: sale price for the trade

Sold Value: this is the quantity * sale price

Brokerage: brokerage for the trade

Total Sale Proceeds: sale price times quantity less brokerage

Matched Buy Trade Cost: the sale is matched to a purchase buy cost excluding brokerage

Matched Buy Trade Brokerage: the sale is matched to a purchase and the buy brokerage is displayed

Matched Buy Trade Total Purchase Costs: for the matched buy trade the total purchase costs are displayed

Gross Realised Gain/Loss: total sold value less matched buy cost excludes brokerage

Net Realised Gain/Loss: total sale proceeds less matched total purchase costs

% Gain/Loss: percentage gain or loss based from the matched purchase costs

Days Held: the number of days the position was held in the portfolio

Create Date: the date the trade was first created

Update Date: the date the trade was updated using "Modify Trade"

Buy Trade Reference: a unique reference from the matched buy trade

Sold Trade Reference: a unique reference for each sold trade